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  • How Soon Before Having My Baby Can I Start Trying a Lactation Product?

    How Soon Before Having My Baby Can I Start Trying a Lactation Product?

    This would have to be the #1 question we're asked daily here at the Yummy Mummy Food Company!
    Whether it's because you had difficultly with your supply last time around or whether there's a medical reason why your newborn bub could benefit from having some expressed antenatal colostrum on hand ready for them the moment they're born, it's such a common question!

    There's certainly no harm in starting to eat our any of our lactation/postpartum foods or lactation beverages in the few weeks leading up to your due date. They do only contain a hand-picked selection of 100% natural ingredients to help nourish and provide optimal nutrition to mums-to-be and new mums.

    There's also been an extensive study done between 2011-2015 called the DAME (Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing) Study, which aimed to find out whether it was safe to advise women with diabetes in pregnancy to express breastmilk in late pregnancy. The results of this study showed that women with diabetes and a low-risk pregnancy can be advised to safely express breast milk in late pregnancy (from 36 weeks onwards) without causing harm to their babies. It also showed that or some first-time mothers, their babies will be less likely to receive formula in the first 24 hours of life too.

    However despite this, if you are considering expressing colostrum beforehand, please do always consult with your doctor or midwife as they are best qualified to advise in your particular unique situation.

    We can also highly recommend visiting the Australia Breastfeeding Association's website where they have a lot of helpful information about antenatal expressing of colostrum and other breastfeeding information and support!